Fallout 4 made me finally breakdown and move into the modern gaming age. That and my desire to continue playing Assassins Creed. So, here I am with the third iteration of the XBOX, which is obviously titled XBOX 3.....wait....One? What the holy fuck. I get what they're going for with that title because naming it XBOX All-In-One would be cumbersome but holy shit use a different word other than a number. XBOX ALL would be fine. XBOX GOD would be another badass name. Naming it ONE when it's actually THREE is just a mind-fuck. It's the same illogical mess that has happened with tea. Unsweetened tea is a misleading, nonsensical name. When we talk zombies, we say 'undead' because they died and then came back so the 'un' label makes sense. They didn't add sugar and then remove it. They just left it as tea. The two categories should be 'tea' and 'sugared tea'. Or 'Kool-aid: tea flavored" would be an acceptable name. I feel I've drifted away from the XBOX rant. Anyway, my point is: rename this system XBOX: Sugared Tea. Shit, I seem to have lost my point.