29: Podcast Homework For Episode 30

Creepypasta is still not pasta nor creepy but we discuss the impact the podcasts had on the last week of our lives. Frank then tries to convince Phoenix to listen to more creepypasta shows on YouTube. It doesn't go well. Perhaps he will train and build up his convincing skills to convince him further. Where could one go to train and build up muscles....

Tristar Gym Podcast Follow Up Training Intensity And Much More - AMA 22 - Coach Zahabi 6.24.18 (49 minutes) https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/podcast-follow-up-training-intensity-much-more-ama/id1143878755?i=1000414524992&mt=2

The Gym Closet TGC 041 - Why You’re Fat Talk 6.27.18 (25 minutes) https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/tgc-041-why-youre-fat-talk/id1294724613?i=1000414773002&mt=2

Garage Gym Athlete S4E3: Sean McCool on Red Light Therapy, two gyms, and knowing the why 7.2.18 (30 minutes) https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/s4e3-sean-mccool-on-red-light-therapy-two-gyms-knowing/id1319033389?i=1000415091000&mt=2