21: Podcast Homework For Episode 22

We survived the 80's. We survived the 90's. Both literally and on this show. What could possibly be next for us? Well, Phoenix is going through some spine issues so obviously he needs medical help. That's right: the theme for episode 22 will be Medical Podcasts. The list of shows we will consume will be below:

The Premed Years Don't Talk About How You Know What Being a Doctor is Like 1.31.18 https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/271-dont-talk-about-how-you-know-what-being-a-doctor-is-like/id583254241?i=1000401126895&mt=2

Specialty Stories 56: How Hard is the Neurosurgery Match? A Look at the Data. 1.3.18 https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/56-how-hard-is-the-neurosurgery-match-a-look-at-the-data/id1171842065?i=1000398981405&mt=2

Christian Doctor's Digest How To Present Gospel To Intelligent Unbelievers 12.12.17 https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/how-to-present-gospel-to-intelligent-unbelievers/id895514197?i=1000397180256&mt=2