054 - TINM! - 21 - "Was Snoop Dogg Over?"

In this episode we met at 10 pm for the first of a four episode recording marathon. Guest stars are coming. News involves a woman that is hospitalized for using balloons in a sexual manner, a Harvard book that is discovered to be bound in human skin and an obese man hides 40 bags of heroin in his belly button. Then we discuss fetishes and why Phoenix is sick of them.

We also answer more of the 800 random questions. Michael's versus segment is about the Phoenix Comicon (this will air several weeks after): meeting old school comicon celebrities versus new school guys and dressing up versus not dressing up.

Laws Of Life is about how comedians shouldn't take pride in ruining their show and name for the sake of the 'joke' of bombing. Basically they shouldn't attack the audience because they are going through something personal.