666 - The Podcasts Podcast - 34 - Quilting Podcasts

It's time for Phoenix to get his revenge on Frank for the ultimate sin of picking themes in an effort to get Phoenix to like certain things. How dare he? The revenge was 3 hour long episodes about women talking about the fascinating lifestyle of quilting. These podcasts left us in stitches. I just can't quilt listening to these podcasts. And other puns as well.

American Patchwork And Quilting Podcast (Radio) Guests: Jen de Jong, Melanie Call, HollyAnne Knight, and a chat with Pat 7.8.18 58 minutes https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/guests-jen-jong-melanie-call-hollyanne-knight-chat/id435717297?i=1000415503585&mt=2

Katie’s Quilting Corner Podcast 98 - The Lost Year 2.16.18 1h10minutes https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/98-the-lost-year/id416475937?i=1000402785423&mt=2

Hello My Quilting Friends! 68 - Healing Your Inner Negative Voice With Quilting 7.31.18 51 minutes https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/068-healing-your-inner-negative-voice-with-quilting/id1174409528?i=1000417431674&mt=2