The season is over. We are all free from the hotel. Rejoice. Tell your children what happened here. How a show that had 7 consecutive shitty episodes ended up having 5 straight good ones and somehow people were tricked into watching a 6th season. In this episode Phoenix plays more Nada Surf Popular and John Lowe talking so you really can hear how he sounds just like him. He also talks about the episode he watched. Afterward, he guesses what the next season will be while listing which actors he hopes returns to what type of role. None of which will come true because this show is like an abusive boyfriend. It hits you a lot but's out of love. It's not a bad guy. It's trying. It's going to get a job soon. Well, soonish. I mean, you didn't lose the baby weight like you promised but whatever. It's working on it and it's complicated alright? Back off. *Smack* Why do you make me do this to you? Keep watching.